A place where fun and learning meet for 3 years old through 6th grade. Kids will enjoy their time spent in class time studying scripture, in game time playing hard, and hearing a lesson. They can also expect awards, fun theme nights, and the 320KIDS Store where they can spend points they earn in the program. 320KIDS meets every Wednesday Night from 6:20-8:00 PM when school is in session. Be there at 5:45 for the free dinner provided. Check out the 320KIDS Facebook Page.
Summer Children Program:
Our program for 3 years old through 6th grade in the summer when 320KIDS is not meeting. It runs from 6:30 -8:00 PM each Wednesday and also combines fun and learning. The students involved in this program enjoy Special Activity Days!
Children's Church:
A church service for 4 years old through first graders on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM.
Sunday School:
Sunday School is an excellent place to not only learn from God's Word but also to connect with other believers. You will have time to fellowship, share prayer requests, and at times go out together as a class.
Refuel Student Ministry:
A ministry for 7th through 12th graders that focuses on discipleship and assisting parents in training their teens in the way of Christ. Refuel meets every Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM (free church-wide meal at 5:45 PM). We have lots of activities and take trips each year.
Discipleship Course:
Offered seasonal/quarterly, this series of 8 classes covers the primary disciplines of the Christian life, including, Bible Study, Prayer, Worship, Giving, Evangelism, Service, and Leading. Classes are available for Women (of all ages), 'Working' Women (who need to meet in the evenging due to work schedules), Men (of all ages), and Young Men (20s-30s).
Men's Prayer Breakfast:
A men's ministry that meets every 2nd Saturday at 8:00 AM at the church. They enjoy a good breakfast, a short devotional, and spend time praying together.
Men's Bible Study: Men of all ages meet every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 PM at the church. This is a time of fellowship, prayer, and getting into God's Word to better equip our men to mature in their faith and lead their families well.
Lady's Crafters:
Ladies meet every 2nd Tuesday at 9:00 AM in the church fellowship hall for crafting. These crafts are used to serve and be blessing to others during the Christmas season, and beyond, including those in our nursing/assisted living facilities.
Women's Prayer and Coffee:
Every 3rd Friday at 9:00am, our ladies of all ages meet in the Church Fellowship Hall to fellowship and pray.